Our Story
During the first lockdown, the importance of having a precis of our Health and Finances became very apparent. Having this knowledge at our fingertips has been covered widely in the press.
Nothing prepares us for sudden illness or dementia and in order to save loved ones from having to source through files and papers, we thought it would make sense to have everything from utilities, bank accounts and pensions, in 'Just One Place'.
The same goes for Health. It can often take A&E a while to access our files and our spouse/children don't always know what medication we are taking, never mind the dosage. We have therefore, with the help of A&E, compiled a list of questions that would help them. This includes NHS number, prescriptions, allergies, blood group, along with further information A&E would require.

"Intelligence is not the ability to store information, but to know where to find it." Albert Einstein
"This unique service is an essential documentation process for any person with beneficiaries and those whose partners are not financially sophisticated. The documentation process will enable beneficiaries to smooth the probate and inheritance tax processes and save months, even years of real hardship and fact finding."
Brian White
Former Senior Tax Partner and Chartered Tax Adviser at Deloitte
"As a Solicitor with 40 years experience I cannot emphasize enough the importance of keeping records of your financial affairs and assets. Financial institutions hold many hundreds of millions in dormant bank accounts, unclaimed assets and insurance policies."
Geoffrey Greenhouse
Greenhouse Stirton & Co
"Important information regarding health is incredibly valuable in an acute medical setting. From my own experiences working in A&E, it is easier to provide good medical care if patients are accompanied with the relevant, clear documentation."
Dr Sam Seitler
NHS Doctor
Do NOT list your passwords with this document
Remember to up-date information including medication/dosage and any financial changes​
Keep printed copy in a safe place and/or with a lawyer​​
If completing forms on your computer, ensure you are password protected​
Keep a hardcopy of Health Forms, in case needed in emergency and also send to next of kin